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We are sorry, there is no room for your selected travel period available right now. If you're interested in updates, please give us as call at 0043 662 873557 or send us a short message via email to reservation@bristol-salzburg.at.

Doppelzimmer Standard
Someone just booked this
Max: 2 people
23 m2
King size bed

This room category is individual in design and stylish interiors, but is also modern, practical and comfortable.

Someone just booked this
Max: 2 people
35 m2
King size bed

Immerse yourself in the luxury of bygone eras in our elegant junior suites. Delight in their traditional charm and modern luxury comfort.

Someone just booked this
Max: 2 people
42 m2
King size bed

Our traditional suites leave nothing to be desired. They consist of a bedroom and separated living space. Here you will find a unique retreat in the heart of the city of Mozart.

Someone just booked this
Max: 2 people
58 m2
King size bed

The deluxe suites are generous in proportion. We do offer both - modern or traditional.

The View - Deluxe Suite
Max: 2 people
58 m2
King size bed

Enjoy your stay at our Deluxe Suite "The View" with a splendid view of Salzburg's Old Town. Further, this room offers a rooftop terrace.

Doppelzimmer Superior
Someone just booked this
Max: 2 people
27 m2
King size bed

Exclusive furniture and a generous cut provide a comfortable and luxurious atmosphere.